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Industrial chain analysis of 報家button battery industry in 2017

source:本站 views:2事外641 time:2022-09-10

The upstream ind費她ustries of butt內多on battery industry are mainly stainle的來ss steel, cathode and anode materi友愛als and other industri討件es, of which the cathode and 車歌anode materials are mostly lithi輛件um, nickel, mangan窗綠ese and other non-藍電ferrous metals; the downstream indu為學stries of button battery industry m區議ainly include ele靜房ctronic digital product玩關s, audio-visual equipment related prod麗討ucts, electric toys and other 黑去related applications, retail, e-co唱外mmerce and other sales員廠 channels. Avenue.

The upstream industries of butt化高on battery industry are mainly stainl地國ess steel, cathode and anode material的兵s, and most of the科錢m are lithium, nickel, manganese and o計弟ther non-ferrous met匠短als.

The cathode and anode materials子好 of batteries are usually lithium, nick師妹el, manganese or th音是eir compounds, such as lithium 老南cobalt, nickel, all現秒oy powder, etc. Domestic nickel, 熱鐵lithium cobalt, nickel, alloy pow城老der, lithium material pr得兵oducts are abundant, easi技些ly affected by the international m河但arket price trends, especially ni可內ckel and cobalt, greatly affected by聽討 international futures prices.

The price of raw materials for bu錢少tton batteries is an important f就媽actor affecting the 什姐cost of batteries. The inc現請rease in the price of raw materials su農從ch as cathode and anode materials, ele但舊ctrolyte and stainless醫個 steel will directly lead to 機樹the increase in the cost 商票of batteries using related materials.報自 In the short term, it船線 will reduce the profit margin of b會東utton batteries and bri問不ng adverse effects to button batter件樂ies industry. Influence.

The downstream of bu北師tton battery industry mainly includ朋費es electronic digital products, 裡習audio-visual equipment related products學一, electric toys an和紙d so on. In recent yea舞又rs, with the decline o森靜f China's econ聽線omic situation, t光照he electronic digital consump金間tion industry heat slowdow能笑n and economic policy changes, the女時 development of樂暗 the downstream i跳票ndustry may be le城志ss than expected, downstream rel媽影ated industries may al筆湖so cause fluctuations in the econ事笑omic cycle of butt遠機on battery industr黃計y, the development of the industr用從y will be adversely affected嗎黃.

But overall, the button鐵計 battery industry wil姐有l continue to develo友小p with the downs書行tream industry to develop下唱 new industries, the 技廠growth trend is still relatively用做 clear.

Shenzhen Yi Chi Electronic Technolog船技y Co., Ltd.